Version statuses

Just as is the case for the items, the versions, too, have statuses to define their publication.
The version can have four possible statuses:
  • Active (blue): the version is visible on the website
  • Preview (orange): the version is only visible in Preview mode on the website
  • Inactive (gray): the version is deactivated, and can only be seen in DataWeb
  • Deleted (black): the version has been removed and cannot be displayed anywhere without the assistance of the development team
It is possible to have only an Active or Preview version for the item. However, numerous versions are possible with the Inactive status. This logic changes slightly with the introduction of the localization, where the same rule is applied but for different cultures.
Elenco delle versioni: attiva, inattiva, anteprima
Did you know...?
The first version displayed in DataWeb when you open an item is not necessarily the version that's active on the website. The publication status is what determines which version is live.