When you change the address of a webpage, it is good practice to set up a redirect from the old path to the new path.
In this way, the external links that point to that resource will not lead to a 404 error page.
In addition, this solution makes it possible to flag up the change of address to the search engines, thus preserving the valuable referencing.
You can create a redirect in the dedicated Redirect section in the Content area.
Every redirect requires a departure path (i.e. a path without the domain: /en/old-address) and a destination path (for example: /en/new-address).
You can set the redirect as permanent (code HTTP 301), indicating therefore that the variation is definitive and that the requester should update their internal references (for example, a search engine will no longer take account of the old address).
Without activating this option, you will be indicating that the redirect is temporary (code HTTP 302).
Last of all, you can set an activation period for the redirect, specifying the start and end dates.