User management
The Users section contains all of the profiles that have been registered on the website.
Every user must have an email address and a username. In many projects, the username is automatically set based on the email address.
Every user must have an email address and a username. In many projects, the username is automatically set based on the email address.
The password is an optional field. Certain users may use external services for authentication, whereas other users may have already been entered and are waiting to set their password on their own.
When you create a new user, you must first save it before setting the password.
When you create a new user, you must first save it before setting the password.
You cannot see users' passwords: they are one-way encrypted using a very complex algorithm.
The only available actions are the removal of the old password and the setting of a new password.
The only available actions are the removal of the old password and the setting of a new password.
Did you know...?
Passwords should never be sent by email or other channels. Accordingly, users should be enabled to reset their own passwords.
Passwords should never be sent by email or other channels. Accordingly, users should be enabled to reset their own passwords.
The email confirmed action indicates that the user has received a mail with a link to validate their ownership of that password.
The "Add other members" action in the Newsletter area activates a subscription to the newsletter for the current user, adding that user to the list of newsletter subscribers.
The roles specify which permissions the user has in the various project areas. The basic role is Guest, which is simply a user registered on the website. Other roles are specific to the app and are defined by the development team.
Users with multiple roles are given the total of the relevant permissions.
Users with multiple roles are given the total of the relevant permissions.
The Modifiable option indicates whether or not the user can customize their data on the website.
Culture indicates the user's preferred language and customizes the user interface in certain contexts, such as DataWeb.
The options Telephone, Telephone confirmed and Two-factor authentication are used to activate an additional level of protection during the login phase. This is a function implemented by the development team.
Block end date allows you to block a user until the scheduled date. The user in question will not be able to log in during this period.
Place of registration indicates where the user was created: it is usually "Website" but it could be "DataWeb" or other areas of the project.
Approval of terms lists all of the service conditions confirmed by the user. For every condition, the name, version and date are indicated.