This Accessibility Statement applies to the website

The company Xtra S.r.l., with its registered office in Bergamo, via San Tomaso No. 88, PC 24121 (BG), undertakes to make its website accessible, in accordance with Law No. 4 of 9 January 2004.
This Accessibility Statement applies to the website
Compliance Status
This website partially complies with the requirements of Appendix A of Standard UNI CEI EN 301549 due to the cases of non-compliance listed below. 
Non-accessible content
The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons: 
  • Non-compliance with Law No. 4 of 9 January 2004. 
    Success criterion 1.4.3. - Contrast (minimum) 
There is not enough contrast between website elements placed in the foreground and those in the background.
  • Non-compliance with Law No. 4 of 9 January 2004. 
    Success criterion 1.4.12. - Text spacing 
Some texts have letter spacing set to a minimum value of -1px.
Drafting the Accessibility Statement
This Statement was drawn up on 6 February 2023.
The information in the Statement was obtained through a self-assessment carried out directly by the Company.
This Statement was last reviewed on 6 February 2023.
Reporting modalities and contact details of the reporting entity
Reports of non-compliance may be sent by users by writing to the following email address:, indicating the URL of the site, the pages deemed of non-compliant and giving reasons for the report.
The person responsible for reports submitted by users can be contacted at the e-mail address provided above.
How to send reports to AgID
In the event of an unsatisfactory reply or failure to reply within thirty days to the notification or to the request, the interested party may submit a report using the procedure indicated on AgID’s institutional site.
Website Information
1. Date of publication of the website: 28/10/2022  (date of last update)
2. Usability tests were carried out: Yes
3. CMS used for the website: DataWeb (owned by XTRA S.r.l.)
Structure Information
1. Number of employees with disabilities in the administration: 0
2. Number of workstations for employees with disabilities: 0